Body: Speedy Dragon Galaxy Falcon Splash Whale Liberty Manta Optical Wing Rage Knight Brave Eagle Funny Swallow Holy Spider Rapid Barrel Blood Raven Silver Sword Sky Horse Space Cancer Aqua Goose Wild Chariot Fire Wolf Mad Bull Metal Shell Valiant Jaguar Giant Planet Grand Base Dread Hammer Big Tyrant Megalo Cruiser Cockpit: Windy Shark Rave Drifter Aerial Bullet Dark Chaser Moon Snail Crystal Egg Blast Camel Wonder Worm Rush Cyclone Sonic Soldier Scud Viper Bright Spear Red Rex Muscle Gorilla Cyber Fox Round Disk Super Lynx Heat Snake Energy Crest Spark Bird Hyper Stream Crazy Buffalo Combat Cannon Garnet Phantom Maximum Star Booster: Sunrise 140 Euros-01 Impulse 220 Jupiter Q Saturn SG Bazooka YS Clown 77 Mars EX Comet V Triangle GT Boxer 2C Bluster X Tiger RZ Scorpion R Velocity J Extreme ZZ Meteor RR Shuttle M2 Raiden 88 Titan G4 Punisher 4X Triple Z Hornet FX Devilfish RX Thunderbolt V2
Machine Name: Weight:kg
Choose parts, then you will get the machine name.
Enter the machine name in the "Machine Name" space, and press "Name to Parts" button. Then the machine's parts will be selected.